New Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps

Nashville, Hermitage and Donelson Tennessee

New 2024 Central air conditioners and heat pumps include split system central air conditioners and heat pumps, single package central air conditioners and heat pumps, small-duct high-velocity products, and space constrained products.  They are installed as part of an indoor climate control system.  They may or may not use ducts to distribute cooled or dehumidified air to more than one room.   Some ductless air conditioners and heat pumps are configured as split systems and are commonly referred to as mini-splits or multi-splits.  Due to their configuration as split systems, mini- and multi-splits are also defined as central air conditioners and heat pumps rather than room air conditioners. ALL Heating and Air Manufacturers have been required to comply with the U.S. Department of Energy energy conservation standards for residential central air conditioners and heat pumps since 1992.